The DNC Platform is a vision for the American Left that will cripple our economy, increase the national debt, and weaken America at home and abroad – a recipe for American decline. The platform doubles down on the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration while going further than ever in plunging our economy into Soviet-style communism.

Mike Pence (Advancing American Freedom Group)

This one’s for the “swing voters” in your life. Don’t trust Komrade Kamala, because she will bankrupt the US, cancel opponents, conceal her failures, enact race-based programs, and raid household savings under cover of darkness. Seriously, Democrats have run the country for 12 of the last 16 years, and 70% of Americans say the US is heading in the wrong direction (source: Reuters). Who’s even in charge, we the people or a central committee (Obama’s posse)? Because Harris lied about Biden’s senility and still became The Party’s nominee.

Voter beware. Harris was picked to ensure the socio-political transformation of America – into something unrecognizable to 1960’s liberals like RFK, Jr: “We were the party of labor, the working class (and) government transparency. Democrats stood against authoritarianism, censorship and unjust wars.” His claims are backed by evidence: Clinton allowed China into the WTO, Obama hatched identity politics, Biden’s senility was hidden, Walz installed a COVID “snitch” hotline, Pelosi buried January 6 video, and Harris re-committed to two proxy wars.

Komrade Kamala is the culmination of the Democrat problem writ large: the opacity of her party’s governance. Obama’s “you can keep your doctor” promise and Clinton’s closet email server portended the deceptions of Russiagate in 2016, Hunter Laptop Cover-up in 2020, and the Biden-Harris boast of creating 2.9 million “new jobs” in the year ended March 2024, which the Bureau of Labor Statistics just reduced by 818,000 jobs (source: CNBC). With Kamala’s ballot-free nomination, the quest for soviet-style occupation of our 50 “united states” is unmistakable.

Start with the agenda to “transform America” into a redistributionist super-state. The Green New Deal will transform the economy by killing abundant oil and gas energy, and banning gas-powered transportation. A super majority of voters hates this: 87% want more domestic oil and gas production, and only 23% want bans on gas-powered vehicles (source: Ipsos). Awful, but based on Kamala’s proposals in 2020 and 2024, re-distribution IS the big idea:

  1. Abolish private health insurance
  2. Tax unrealized capital gains
  3. Raise corporate tax rates and regulate corporate prices
  4. Pay “slavery” reparations
  5. Give citizenship and entitlements to 10 million illegal immigrants

No wonder there’s no policy page on the Harris campaign’s website, no press conferences or town hall meetings, but hundreds of left-liberal op-eds urging Harris-Walz to “not dignify” Trump-Vance with even a single debate (true, I counted).

Even worse is the agenda to “transform America” into single-party control. Komrade Kamala’s platform includes statehood for DC and Puerto Rico to ensure four new Senate Democrats, and adding new (liberal) justices to the Supreme Court. Remember Biden decrying “Jim Crow” voter-ID laws to lock in black voters? RFK, Jr. does, so he ticked off his former party’s most recent anti-democracy tactics:

“The DNC deployed aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot. It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor, also without an election, who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.”

Scarier still are The Party’s institutional allies like the “free press” that RFK, Jr. reminded of its “duty to safeguard democracy and challenge the party in power, (not make) themselves organs of government power. You didn’t alone cause the devolution of American democracy, but you could have prevented it.” According to the Media Research Center, from July 21 through August 17, ABC, CBS and NBC devoted 66% more coverage to Harris than Trump, and “granted the Democratic ticket of Harris-Walz 82% positive press, while Trump-Vance have faced 90% negative coverage.”

And what of us, we the people? We get a commander-in-chief who was “the last person in the room with Biden” when he ordered the Kabul withdrawal that left the Taliban with more lethal weapons than the US sells to Israel in a year. We get the “border czar” that decided immigration’s “root problem” was Central America, where her diplomacy failed, inviting her to blame TrumpIneffective, giggly and unaccountable is no way to go through the Oval Office, Kamala.

We get a good Soviet comrade, who lied about Biden and connived with Obama for political gain, sat idly while her party increased the national debt 23.4% to $35.3 trillion, and whose proposed programs will saddle the US with a $44.5 trillion national debt (source: Statista). The Soviet lesson is simple: if the people’s government is The Party, then incapacitated leaders (Lenin, Brezhnev, Chernenko) are concealed by secret committees (troikas), sclerosis sets in, and the nation’s economy fails.

Don’t scoff until you’ve compared the Trump and Biden-Harris economies (data shown up top). I am convinced those numbers are why Pew Research now reports only 23% of Americans trust their government to “mostly do” what is right. That’s so USSR – except no bread lines – and why RFK, Jr. stated these too-close-for-comfort truths about the party his father and uncles dragged into the 20th century:

“President Biden mocked Vladimir Putin’s 88% landslide in the Russian elections, observing that Putin and his party controlled the Russian press and that Putin prevented serious opponents from appearing on the ballot. But here in America, the DNC also prevented opponents from appearing on the ballot, and our television networks exposed themselves as Democratic Party organs.”

That’s what’s at stake, so tell your fence-sitting friends the truth: Trump is the bitter medicine they have to take to cure their broken government (you might not like the tetanus shot, but it likes you). America is way past bandaids and incremental change, and Trump – just like Churchill – is that blunt instrument needed in our darkest hour. And right now, it’s darker than the other side of the moon in America.




By S.W. Morten

The writer is a retired CEO, whose post-graduate education took him to England and career took him to developing nations; thereby informing his worldview (there's a reason statues honor individuals and not committees, the Declaration and Constitution were written in English and not Mandarin, and the world's top immigrant destination is USA and not Iran).