Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, “Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Seymour Hersh (Real Clear Politics)

After Barack Obama’s latest assault on democratic norms (scheming Joe Biden out of the 2024 election), it’s clear he’s achieved a never-in-America political phenomenon; absolute control by a single man. It’s scary, especially when you think of what The Obama Machine has enacted; DEI policies in schools and workplaces, defunded law enforcement, and weaponized federal agencies. No question, His Machine exists, because “his people” never go away.

His Secretary of State (Clinton) ran for president in 2016. His vice president (Biden) ran for president in 2020. His attorney general (Holder) now chairs the National Democratic Redistricting Committee. His CIA director (Brennan) and NDI (Clapper) signed the Russian Disinformation letter in 2020. His UN ambassadors (Rice and Powers) took up opaque White House positions in 2020. And those are just a few of the Obama apparatchiks, who’ve all played outside the lines of open and honest government.

Like every machine boss, Obama’s deceived we the people. In 2009, he claimed falsely that Obamacare was “absolutely not a tax increase” to get his signature legislation enacted. In 2012, he told the Supreme Court that “the minimum coverage provision is valid not only as a tax in its own right, but also as an adjunct to the income tax” to preserve his legacy legislation. And, after Edward Snowden proved Obama’s NSA was collecting millions of US citizens’ personal data, Obama lied on TV: “There is no spying on Americans” – proving his utter contempt for his fellow Americans.

That contempt was masked by Obama – that false god of unity – in his 2004 Democrat National Convention speech: “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is the United States of America.” That lie was outed in 2008, when Obama was stuck at only 45% of rural-voter support. So, He The People blamed their “bitter antipathy to people who aren’t like them” and reduced them to anachronisms (“they cling to their guns or religion”) to the delight of liberal elites. Such contempt is infectious; proved by Hillary Clinton in 2016 when she condescendingly dumped Republicans into a “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” basket to the delight of liberal elites.

Obama’s political machine was necessitated by his underwhelming presidency. To wit, his two-term presidency had the worst GDP growth of any in the last 100 years, and his average unemployment rate was the worst for any Democrat since FDR. The USA is still weakened by his foreign policy decisions; acceding to the Paris Climate Accord, aligning with Iran on a nuclear deal, mismanaging the southern border, mismanaging Iraq that begat ISIS, and mismanaging Putin that begat the annexation of Crimea. That record challenges Jimmy Carter’s for WORST EVER.

So how did Obama grasp control of the Democrat Party? Simple: he’s a deft political organizer. In 2008, he attracted minority and working-class voters into the Coalition of the Ascendent, re-focused Democrat electioneering on Identity Politics, promised Change We Can Believe In to white voters with college degrees, and won a record 69.5 million votes. Once in office, he cobbled disparate “aggrieved identity” groups into the Intersectional Left to wrest power from Christians and Americans of pan-European heritage. The GOP has been trying to prove it’s not “racist” ever since.

There can be a happy ending for decent Americans, if Republicans shame Obama-Biden for their bad policies (Iran nuclear deal) and Biden-Harris for their voter-losing positions (lax border security). The Trump campaign needs to ignore media proclamations of Harris as the Second Coming of Obama and hammer away at the bad policies and positions that are causing Obama’s “ascendant coalition” of 2008 to fritter away. As the chart below shows – even with Biden out and Harris in – something has cost the party key voting blocs.

Voting Group 2008 Obama 2012 Obama 2016 Clinton 2020 Biden 2024 Harris
Working Class 60% 57% 51% 55% 41%
Black 95% 93% 88% 87% 72%
Hispanic 67% 71% 65% 65% 60%
High School Degree 52% 51% 45% 48% 40%
College Degree 50% 51% 49% 55% 58%

The only good news for the Harris campaign is an 8-point gain with voters with college degrees, which includes those employed by Big Media, the participants of White Dudes For Harris and White Women for Kamala, and the high-propensity voters that predominate polling results. The Harris lift is real but fleeting because, as a practical matter, she is trailing Trump by 15 points with working-class voters (11 points worse than Biden) and the working class are two-thirds of eligible voters in 2024. Further, compared to Obama 2008, Harris is down 23 points with Blacks, 12 points with high-school graduates, 7 points with Hispanics, and 19 points with the working class.

So, as a political matter, the coalition that FDR created in 1932 with “New Deal” jobs programs and social safety nets, and Democrats have held for 75 years, is falling apart because you-know-who and his disciples allowed low-wage labor to sneak across the US-Mexico border and agreed to job-killing trade deals with China, Mexico and the EU. Then, rather than kill “his” bad policy ideas and unpopular positions, Obama killed the Machine’s current messenger (Biden).

On Monday, former New York Times journalist (and Pulitzer Prize winner) Seymour M. Hersh broke the news of Obama’s Democrat primary interference: “Former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, along with former House Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer and House Minority Leader Jeffries. On Sunday morning, with the approval of Pelosi and Schumer, Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.'”

Hersh, who broke the My Lai Massacre story in 1969, was quoting an anonymous Democrat Party official: “It was clear at this point, that Harris would get the nod, but Obama also made it clear that he was not going to immediately endorse her. On Friday, the Obamas, both Barack and Michelle, did endorse Harris. The call offering their backing was filmed, the call on speaker, while Harris held the phone to her ear. A mic could be seen pinned to her blazer. Obama emerged as the strongman throughout the negotiations –  he wanted control over who would be elected.”

Really? Is that how democracy works? Obama offered an endorsement carrot to Harris, got the Vice President to commit to invoking the 25th amendment, made the decisive call to coerce Biden into ending his re-election bid, recorded a (rehearsed) endorsement call to Harris, and painted Democrats into a corner. See the trend: Hillary was given debate questions in advance to kill Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign, Joe got the South Carolina Miracle to kill Sanders 2020 campaign, and The Machine endorsed Kamala into a vote-free nomination.

Democrats and their media allies say that Obama did the “right thing” for America. But ending Biden’s campaign and leaving Biden in office is just as reckless as Obama’s 2015 Iran nuclear deal – and how did that turn out? Horribly, because Obama legitimized (and funded) the Ayatollah’s antisemitic foreign policy aims, endangered innocent Israelis, and emboldened anti-Americans (those violent rioters pulling down American flags in Washington and raising banners of the terror enclave that’s still holding US hostages).

Maybe one day Democrats will see that Obama’s lured them into divisive positions (race-based lesson plans in schools) that will keep driving away their traditional voting blocs, but don’t hold your breath. Because they’ve just watched He The People pull off a bloodless coup, and thanked him for it. Just wait until the Democrat National Convention; the arena will go into hysteria when Obama speaks – because if he says it, IT IS SO!

And that’s the true danger of The Machine.


By S.W. Morten

The writer is a retired CEO, whose post-graduate education took him to England and career took him to developing nations; thereby informing his worldview (there's a reason statues honor individuals and not committees, the Declaration and Constitution were written in English and not Mandarin, and the world's top immigrant destination is USA and not Iran).