I’m not going to participate where you somehow equate the legitimacy of an election with a debate over tax cuts or environmental regulations. If you can’t say, “yes, the last election was not stolen,” that’s all viewers need to know.

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos (mandate to Trump)

Finally, on June 27, former president Trump gets to talk over the heads of Biden’s media allies to the American voter. Take Clinton acolyte George Stephanopoulos, whose ABC quote (above) translates to accept the 2020 election’s numbers – admit you lied – or you’re debate toast! That left-liberal dogma will be on stage, helping President Biden debate Donald Trump on Thursday.

I hope Trump pushes back – – on everything! Why not criticize the 2020 election? 76% of voters think America is headed in the wrong direction under Biden (source: RCP average). I think Trump erred after the election, but I believe in redemption and second chances. Trump deserves no less, and it is his right to remain skeptical of the 2020 election and January 6 hearings – and still debate tax cuts and environmental regulations.

The Biden Campaign Invited an Angry Mob

No question, January 6 was not Trump’s finest moment, but he should hit Joe Biden with WHY that “moment” happened in the first place by quoting Vivek Ramaswamy’s we the people explanation: “What caused January 6 is pervasive censorship in this country in the lead up to January 6. You tell people in this country they cannot speak. That is when they scream. You tell people they cannot scream. That is when they tear things down.”

Ramaswamy is onto something, because 71% of Republicans and 39% of Independents say “Biden did not legitimately win the presidency” (source: CNN). Further, 41% of Republicans suspect Biden’s entire campaign of corruption; from the South Carolina primary deal to the letter from 50 former spooks. Trump should just say the quiet part out loud: “Joe Biden was unworthy of the office” – which is why he’s fallen from 51.3% of the popular vote to 39.6% approval (source: RCP average).

Accuse Biden of lying during the 2020 debates about what he knew and Hunter did, because 61% of Americans say that “Biden had at least some involvement” in his son’s business dealings, and another 42% say that “he acted illegally” with his brother James and son Hunter (source: CNN). Sworn testimony in Congress proved Biden lied, so maybe the “angry mob” was onto something.

Accuse Biden of skirting election laws and deceiving voters. Tell viewers that Zuckbucks crossed the line by helping only likely Democrat voters. Explain how the Hunter Laptop Cover Up was a coordinated deception and violation of first amendment rights. Fifty current and former spooks made a false claim to give Biden his talking points for the TV debate: “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant. Five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage.”

Accuse the moderators of censoring a credible newspaper (New York Post), with 525,000 daily subscribers and 179,170,000 monthly online visitors, to limit the damage of consequential breaking news – a first amendment violation. The story was buried but 100% true, because FBI Agent Erika Jensen confirmed the laptop’s authenticity under oath at Hunter Biden’s trial. Trump can defend an “angry mob” whose grievances are just as real as those of the George Floyd rioters.

81.3 Million Biden Votes ARE Implausible

You have the right to express skepticism of 66.4 million mail-in ballots and Biden’s 81,300,000 popular-vote total – and so does Trump. Never in US history have voters handed the same man the most-ever presidential votes AND lowest-ever presidential approval rating, except for Biden. Joe “Basement Boy” Biden winning 3 million more votes in 2020 than Barack “Rock Star” Obama won in 2008 is open to doubt. And the eyeball test says no way that “creepy” man and “crappy” campaign won the most votes for president in US history.

Using numbers from the US Census bureau, AP/NORC exit polls, and Ballotpedia, one can argue that 2020’s numbers were implausible, including the record-setting 66,400,000 mail-in ballots that created the most opaque election in US history. Mr. Trump can explain why he does not believe Biden’s vote totals are legitimate.

One, Biden’s 81,300,000 popular-vote total was 3,800,000 more votes than there are total registered Democrats (45M) and Independents (32.5M) today. Don’t scoff until you read #2 and #3.

Two, only 94% of Democrats and 54% of the Independents voted for Biden in 2020. C’mon, man! No way “RINO” and “unregistered” votes made up the difference. 

Three, at the time of the 2020 election, there were 255 million voting age citizens and 168.3 million registered voters. But, at the time of the 2022 mid-terms, there were (still) 255 million voting age citizens AND ONLY 161.4 million registered voters; a 6.9 million drop in state voter rolls – and why is that?

Simple, Republicans purged dead and relocated residents from voter rolls. Voila! The GOP won 3,100,000 more votes than Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections – and regained control of the House. Republicans can’t prove ghosts voted for Biden in 2020, but they’ve proven ghosts were on voter rolls and some of them cast ballots.

Say What Trump Remembers About 2020

If Trump wants to avoid the “stolen election” and “angry mob” quicksand (and pivot from the character debate Biden wants), he can re-direct the TV audience to what he remembers about 2020; seven “memories” swing voters need to hear Thursday night.

  • 405,000 illegal border crossings in 2020, compared to 7,800,000 since Biden took office
  • 1.2% monthly inflation rate, compared to the 5.1% average under Biden
  • 0.09% effective Federal Funds rate, compared to 5.33% today
  • 3.1% average 30-year mortgage rate, compared to 7.4% now
  • $381,000 median home price, compared to $513,000 today
  • $38,900 average price for a new car, compared to $47,400 now
  • $2.14 per gallon for regular gasoline, compared to $3.44 today
  • No wars in Israel or Ukraine

Of course, this will irritate the monitors, but Trump must force voters to consider how their “personal” situations have changed.

In a Race Between Flawed Candidates, Policies Win

Three-fourths of the electorate want someone other than Biden or Trump as president, and the incumbent’s policies and positions are NOT popular with a super-majority of voters. To wit, only 35.5% of voters approve of his handling of inflation, 32% approve of his handling of immigration, and 32.5% approve of his handling of Hamas vs. Israel (source: RCP average). Trump must remember Biden’s unpopularity and make it hammer time!

Hammer Biden’s inflationary climate and energy policies, and promise to drill, baby, drill. Hammer Biden’s open-border positions, and promise to deport Biden’s illegal aliens. Hammer Biden’s canoodling with Iran and Hamas, and promise to support Israel abroad and protect Jews at home.

The debate is Trump’s to lose. His opponent’s mind is feeble, and Biden is prone to cheap shots like “convicted felon” and “greatest threat to democracy” when rattled. Stick to positive positions like election integrity (rather than “stolen election”), cheap petrol, closed borders, and not taxing tips. And, whenever Biden speaks incomprehensibly, politely make him clarify the gaffe or garble.






By S.W. Morten

The writer is a retired CEO, whose post-graduate education took him to England and career took him to developing nations; thereby informing his worldview (there's a reason statues honor individuals and not committees, the Declaration and Constitution were written in English and not Mandarin, and the world's top immigrant destination is USA and not Iran).