The harsh and sad truth is that America’s election integrity is on the ballot this Fall. The country could survive another four years of Trump or Biden. But, it cannot survive another election in which the loser doubts the results.

Rajkamal Rao (TIPP Insights)

Biden says he must be re-elected to save our democracy from Trump every day, and his media allies use election deniers to belittle all Trump voters (past or present). Sad, because the 2020 election winner has allowed 11 million aliens to enter the Republic, increased the national debt 24% to (now) $34.2 trillion, and invited one proxy war after another. Tragic, because he’s weaponized the legal system to neuter his political opponent.

It’s call lawfare – the primary instrument of a cold civil war – and it began in 2016 with Russiagate. That’s when Obama-Clinton Democrats weaponized the legal system to destroy Trump. Since then, they’ve shown they’ll do whatever it takes to hold the White House that – with a log-jammed Congress – now governs America by executive order. The problem for all Republicans is that Trump will be atop the GOP ticket. Kill the head, and the down-ballot candidates die.

Even if you don’t like Trump, appreciate how he’s reorganized to win on a new election battlefield. On Monday, after blaming RNC chair Ronna McDaniel for a “culture of losing” to the DNC, he secured her resignation (source: CBS News). On Wednesday, it leaked that North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley, whom Trump feels can ensure votes are “safe” in November, would lead the RNC.

No question, Trump wants to true the vote before Election Day. A campaign source told Fox News, “he goes around saying ‘we don’t need votes, we have plenty, what we need is protected ballots during the election.’” Mr. Trump’s not alone in his dim view of Democrat electioneering. 61% of Republicans, and 3 in 10 Americans, think the outcome of the 2020 election was NOT legitimate. This was echoed last month in Iowa, where 66% of the GOP caucus participants thought Biden “stole the election” in 2020.

I’m a 2020 election agnostic – with no proof of Democrat election fraud – who does not want a repeat performance of the 2020 election and its aftermath. Start with special prosecutor Robert Hur’s description of Biden: “an elderly man with a poor memory (who was) significantly limited during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017 and our office in 2023’ (source: CNN). Who’d run a feeble old man unless they had an “insurance policy” in place (remember 2016)?

Before answering, look at the implausible election math that elected Joe Biden (all data from NPR). Start with the table below, that shows Biden reversing a Democrat down-trend existing since Obama’s first election (2008). The electorate’s shift rightward resulted from Obama-Biden policies, which Biden touted non-stop in his campaign. So, how did Biden win 11.3 million more votes campaigning from his basement than rockstar Obama? Harder to believe is that Biden won 10.4% more black votes in 2020 than Obama won in 2008, when he was the first black American ever to run for president. No joke.

2008 2012 2016 2020
DEM VOTE TOTALS 69.5M 65.9M 65.8M 81.3MI
BLACK VOTE TOTALS 15.9M 15.3M 12.6M 17.5M

In contrast, the table below shows Trump’s vote totals continuing a GOP up-trend that began with the Tea Party wins of 2010. Trump’s supporters credit his tax cuts and economy, and border policy and exits from foreign wars, for a logical uptick – which they celebrated before going to bed on Election Day.

2008 2012 2016 2017
GOP VOTE TOTALS 59.9M 60.9M 62.9M 74.2M

Still, the “election fraud” thunder was invited by three numbers. One, un-monitored mail-in ballots spiked 147% to 66.7 million votes in 2020. Two, over half (53.2%) of Biden’s voters cast their ballots by mail. Three, the Biden mail-in total (44.3M) was almost double Trump’s mail-in total. It’s hard to prove election fraud – and Trump hasn’t – but it’s logical to presume cheaters would “stuff” and “harvest” illegitimate ballots through the mail, right? That’s why our European cousins have all but outlawed the practice.

Total Votes Election Day In-Person Early Mail-In
2008 – All 129.4M 85.4M 20.9M 23.1M
2012 – All 126.8M 86.2M 16.7M 24.1M
2016 – All 128.7M 77.2M 24.4M 27.0M
2020 – All 155.5M 47.6M 40.0M 66.7M
2020 – Joe Biden 81.3M 15.7M 18.8M 43.3M
2020 -Donald Trump 74.2M 30.9M 20.8M 22.0M

It is now up to swing voters and a handful of courts to decide if the Democrats were then and now on the up and up. Personally, I doubt it because of the sheer volume of extraordinary stop-Trump events they’ve initiated. I once laughed off Trump Derangement Syndrome as MAGA hyperbole, but the Biden Administration, congressional Democrats, and their media allies have taken it too far – against a politician they claim to have soundly beaten in the polls.

The numbers (ballot anomalies) are compelling, but the “smoking gun” is what Democrats have admitted to legacy media outlets; that is, their lawyers pressed local election officers to override state election laws in 2020. That overwhelmingly helped Biden and his party, who have since seemed nonplussed by the consequences.

How can anyone trust a campaign that helped a member of the Worst President Ever club get nominated and elected? After all, Biden was “an elderly man with a poor memory” when he assembled and mounted his campaign. And, if he was so great in 2020, why’s he so unpopular now? NBC News reports his disapproval at 60%, 7 points worse than Donald Trump.

How can anyone trust a party that eked out a legislative majority so narrow that “our democracy” is now ruled by a single old man’s executive orders and his law enforcement agencies? Biden single-handedly opened the southern border and stifled domestic energy production. As if Dems did not know what 10 million low-wage aliens would do to labor markets, or lower supplies of oil and gas would do to energy costs. C’mon, man!

How can anyone trust the Democrat lawyers who so disrupted election norms they set off a cold civil war that’s killing our country? Especially since their party has since opposed photo-ID election laws that 80% of Americans support (source: Gallup). Especially since they’ve worked non-stop to both jail Trump and keep him off the ballot?

The paramount number is 75% of Americans want neither Biden nor Trump. That’s bad, but much worse is the open warfare Biden has declared on his chief political opponent. The President talks a lot about “our democracy” and the only way to prove it still exists is for him to lose. After firing 91 rounds into Trump, it’s hard to believe it was for the self-defense of “our” democracy – and not “his” democracy.

By S.W. Morten

The writer is a retired CEO, whose post-graduate education took him to England and career took him to developing nations; thereby informing his worldview (there's a reason statues honor individuals and not committees, the Declaration and Constitution were written in English and not Mandarin, and the world's top immigrant destination is USA and not Iran).