My new year’s resolution is to call out so-called liberals, who proclaim themselves champions of American pluralism without extending universal tolerance to all colors and creeds. My logic is simple: it’s most illiberal not to protect every identity group. For example, those who assembled in airports and petitioned sympathetic judges to oppose the 2017 Muslim Ban should now protest anti-Semitism on college campuses – if they support truth, justice and the American way.
A central tenet of the American way is tolerance; promoting unity and equality by not punching up or down at others. Hence, “liberal” grinches should not punch up at Christmas, the majority’s big holiday. Madison cautioned against this tyranny of the minority in Federalist 10: “the influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within.” Only 3% of Americans are atheists, while 79% of Blacks, 77% of Latinos, 70% of Whites, and 34% of Asians are Christian (source: Pew Research). As a practical matter, why poke the majority?
Expressions of “Merry Christmas” or “God bless America” are not threats like Death to America emblazoned on Iranian missiles. Even if it discomfits to be reminded by the majority of one’s otherness, no minority should conflate “Merry Christmas” and the Spanish Inquisition. After all, Christian constructs are the source of Anglo-American justice (thou shall not kill) and the Bill of Rights (Protestant Reformation).
Because the USA is Christian-informed, our nation was bequeathed with the moral clarity to fight in defense of universal life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Christianity formed America’s social conscience and was central to the crusades against slavery, Nazism, and terrorism. Americans know and love this history. Therefore, after Obama (“clinging to their religion”) and Clinton (“deplorable”) smeared conservative Christians, Democrats paid dearly in 2016 at the polls.
By and large, Americans welcome newcomers into their churches, families and towns because of their belief in America’s exceptional social constructs and expectation that foreigners will assimilate. For over 200 years, native-born citizens (mostly) have not coerced, and foreign-born citizens (mostly) have not felt like cultural sell-outs. The social contract is simple: the cultural mainstream tolerates minority traditions, if the minority does not thwart majority traditions (e.g. Nativity scenes in public space).
Today’s culture wars (identity politics) threaten domestic tranquility in two ways: (1) identity-shaming alienates the cultural majority, and (2) “new norms” invite unknown consequences. This is true, when a multi-racial Christian majority is needed to enact new laws, and evidence of social disruption (fatherless homes) suggests go-slow toward new norms. Therefore, tolerating majority traditions and changing slowly are in America’s best interest. Meanwhile, have a Merry Christmas!