Are you ready for a haircut?

Surprise! The New York Times and Democratic presidential field don’t see eye-to-eye on jobs and the economy. Hopefuls like Sanders and Warren are understandably loathe to say anything nice about tax cuts or regulatory roll-backs, but the Times finally had to report the truth about the jobs created in this US economy. Let’s take a peek at what the Democratic field is saying.

Centrist Biden says “corporate greed” keeps companies from “investing in our employees.” Booker and Klobuchar want to end “corporate tax incentives” and “what we did with the corporate tax rate.” Is it even necessary to quote Warren or Sanders? My point here is that every 2020 vote for one of these Democrats is a vote against your employer or business.

In December 2018, there were over 100 million Americans participating in 401K plans (80 million active participants) with $5.7 trillion invested. That compares to 55 million active participants in 2016, when you-know-who was president (source: American Benefits Council). If US corporations are so evil, why are 80 million working Americans investing in them and trusting them as stewards of their retirement nest eggs? Good question, right?

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 156 million Americans (49%) have company-provided health insurance. Further, C-corporations and S-corporations employed over 88 million Americans in 2018, begging the question: why make for-profit employers THE existential threat to America? It is absurd to equate your employer to the threats of Chinese IP theft or untold numbers of illegal aliens crossing the US border.

The Times recently admitted corporations were becoming more generous “with the the national unemployment rate flirting with a 50-year low.” To wit, companies are waiving background checks, hiring more disabled and under-educated workers, and allowing more employees to work from home. Do these employers fit Elizabeth Warren’s stereotypic smear as lacking “loyalty” to workers and communities?

Let’s cut right to the chase: this class of Democratic hopefuls wants the central state to replace your church, your community, your employer, and your family. As Warren puts it, “I have a plan” for every facet of an American’s life: what your business can make…how much you make…how you learn…how you retire..and how you heal. Honestly, isn’t she scarier than the worst boss you ever had?

It’s obvious you cannot vote for a Democrat in 2020 – even if Trump still makes you uncomfortable. If you want retirement and health plans to remain privatized and think free-market capitalism is the best means to prosperity, hold your nose and vote for Trump (or write in Mitt Romney).

US employers continued adding jobs in October, but did you see or hear one Democratic candidate cheer? You did not – because that doesn’t square with their dreams of an all-powerful central state. Take my advice: don’t be a chump, vote for Trump!

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.