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What is it with Democrats in my beloved – but now blue – old Virginia home? These so-called liberals are turning out to be worse than Trump has ever been imagined to be. In less than one week, Democrats have produced a terrible trifecta, which includes a racist governor, sexist lieutenant governor, and racist attorney general. Republicans should demand a re-vote, to say the least.

This sinful sh*tstorm began last Friday, when a 1984 med-school yearbook page linked Governor Ralph Northam to a blackface-KKK masquerade. He apologized for his racial insensitivity on Friday, claimed mistaken identity on Saturday – only to admit wearing “some blackface” to enter a dance contest as Michael Jackson. I found his entire press conference unconvincing.

On Sunday, the Washington Post reported Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax had sexually assaulted a woman at the 1984 DNC convention in Boston. Fairfax swears the sex was consensual. However, because Democrats have mandated we believe every woman, Vanessa Tyson’s credibility must be taken seriously.

On Wednesday, Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to wearing black face and an “Afro” wig in 1984 to masquerade as a black rapper. This means the entire Democratic leadership is not worth the powder it would take to blow them up. These men are inconceivable and unforgivable…if Virginia voters hold to the standards they supported in 2017 and 2018.

Think about it. Northam send mailers tying Republicans Trump and Gillespie to the white supremacists in Charlottesville. Fairfax appealed to suburban women voters by claiming he was a champion of women’s issues. Herring appealed to minorities by linking Republican John Adams to “racist” Trump. In victory, Democrats crowed about a “wave election” that had swept Trump Republicans out the door.

But wait, it gets worse. Virginia has an overwhelmingly Christian electorate, and Democrats (Kathy Tran) still tried to legalize third-trimester abortions. I have news for Virginia Democrats: don’t be a chump…your leaders are not worthy. Sure, Trump is a boorish tweet-freak, but he is at least improving the job market.

I have never-ever thought whites in blackface were funny. In fact, it is the very definition of white supremacy: the apparent humor of condescension. The racism and sexism is bad enough – but to campaign as champions of minorities and women is dishonest manipulation. Today, I would not believe a Virginia Democrat if he or she told me it was raining outside. They are simply pathetic.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.