And the horse Trump rode in on!

If you are a serious student of Anglo-American history, then you will understand the similarities between England’s Glorious Revolution of 1688 and America’s Trump Revolution of 2016. In both “revolutions” there was a cry from we the people for someone – anyone – to replace elite tyranny.

In 1688, James II had exhausted his subjects with a strong-armed return to Roman Catholicism and rule by unconditional kingship. Six prominent politicians and one bishop wrote William Of Orange, the stadholder of the Netherlands, to replace James and return England to parliamentarian rule. Because James II did not fight and fled to France, the royal transition is often called the Bloodless Revolution.

In many ways, this “revolution” was the precursor to the American Revolution in 1776. The “first” revolution permanently established Parliament as the ruling power of England, adopted a Bill of Rights, and excluded Roman Catholics from being king. In fact, it fully embraced John Locke’s view that government must be a social contract between the governed and those who govern. Sound familiar?

It should not be hard to see similarities between James II in 1688 and the Obama-Clinton era after 2008. Obama, anointed by an adoring press, pushed America away from bilateral diplomacy, which kept America’s interest front and center, toward globalist multilateralism, which reduced America’s economic and military clout.

By 2016, discontent was evident in an under-funded and under-appreciated military, and in the blue-collar work force, and in over-regulated businesses, and in gang-infested communities, and in the energy sector. This discontent (and anger) gave birth to the forgotten Americans, who were derided By Barack Obama as “rednecks with guns and bibles” and “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump was the most unlikely presidential candidate since Ross Perot, lacking political expertise, government experience, and professional temperament. Yet, he waltzed to the Republican nomination and crushed Hillary Clinton’s so-called Blue Firewall. His candidacy was a response (and reaction) by American “parliamentarians” that believed Washington was polluted by pay-to-play politicians and administrative-state cronyism.

The Washington elite and their “interested parties” do not understand that Trump is a revolution that means to repeal and replace the status quo. In spite of press reports, he is winning.

He cut corporate taxes and SALT deductions to force tax-and-spend progressives into a yet-to-be-acknowledged reality check. Good luck getting campaign money from Apple and Morgan Stanley – – if Pelosi wants to raise corporate tax rates. Plus, the wealthy are already fleeing high-tax states for Texas and Florida.

Trump is packing the federal courts with conservative justices and judges who exercise judicial restraint. And don’t look now, but I’d take the under on Ruth Bader Ginsberg making it through 2020. Above all, his temperament invited such bad FBI and DOJ behavior, a majority of Americans are now wise to the deep state. 

This president has not only pushed illegal immigration and chain migration into the public eye, he has just gone to the mattresses over his southern wall. Those same silly Democrats, who spent $787 billion on Obama’s totally ineffective American Recovery Act, now refuse to spend a measly $5 billion that is probably worth the risk.

At the very least, Trump has exposed how un-necessary much of the administrative state is. I urge you to write the White House to tell the President to stand his ground – forever if necessary. Perhaps much of the dead weight will leave the federal payroll and get real jobs.

In just two years, Trump has created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs Democrats swore were gone forever – after Obama had lost 200,000 in eight years. More Americans are employed now than at any time since 2000. Americans don’t need the government “to built that” (Obama lied) and Trump did not need a “magic wand” to bring back factory jobs (Obama lied again). Is this a glorious revolution or what?

So, if you are a p*ssed-off liberal (like Madonna) or a socialist-democrat (like Alerxandria Ocasio-Cortez), then move to France. The revolution is here and your ways are the failed policies of Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, and Ho Chi Minh. Oh, and don’t go away mad. Just go away!

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.