AOC is at war with her own party.

Joy to the World. Merry Christmas, everyone (including refugee babies in mangers + their parents).

Thus tweeted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Marxist who masquerades as a Democrat. I am sure my great uncle, former Virginia Democrat Governor T.B Stanley, rolled over in his grave when the 28-year-old radical re-made the Nativity story into socialist propaganda. In fact, Mary and Joseph were not fleeing anything: they were on their way to Jerusalem to participate in the Israeli census.

If ignorance is bliss, then Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is happily clueless. Time and again, she sounds more anti-American than Trotsky or Mao. This socialist fox in a capitalist hen house disses American institutions left and more left. In a recent attack on the electoral college, she called the constitutional construct “a shadow of slavery’s power on America today [that] undermines our nation as a democratic republic.” Obviously, this is what happens when college students get stoned before studying US History.

Let’s hope the DNC will not groom Ocasio-Cortez as 2024’s Obama. At least he accepted the US constitution and republic, and admired Sweden and Denmark as models of the social-welfare state. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is no Barack Obama: she claims our constitutional republic tramples the needy, while offering un-workable policies to provide free everything. Her inexperience, knowledge gaps and impatience cannot be taken seriously – but here she is.

Democrats cannot be thrilled that mad-lib voters are dumping old progressives (like Sanders and Warren) for the fruit of the month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her mostly youthful supporters reject this constitutional republic and free-market economy in favor of what has yet to work in the New World.

To say Ocasio-Cortez is ill-prepared at 28 years old is an understatement. Her after-college experience includes bar tending, working at a taco bar, publishing pro-Bronx children’s books, serving Latinos in non-profit organizations, and working as a local organizer of the 2016 Sanders campaign. Her “great” political epiphany took place at Standing Rock (home of the Dakota pipeline protests). By living in an experience silo, Ocasio-Cortez does not understand the needs of the majority, who are employed by corporate America

After drinking the Koolaid in not-for-profit fantasyland, she has completely rejected capitalism. Ocasio-Cortez understands America’s economic options to be either greedy capitalism or selfless socialism. Her recent proclamation, “capitalism won’t always exist in the world,” suggests (1) she does not get it, or (2) she cannot sell it. Don’t be fooled: her binary worldview is a mere preamble to “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs.”

Center-left Democrats should be alarmed that Ocasio-Cortez will soon pledge allegiance to the constitution, when her public comments suggest it will be a hollow pledge. The founding fathers created a constitutional republic that vested power in elected representatives with constitutional constraints that protect individuals (from government excess) and minorities (from the whims of fleeting majorities). Sadly, Ocasio-Cortez personifies the “angry mob” Madison and Jefferson feared.

Like so many firebrands, Ocasio-Cortez is a myopic prisoner of the moment (AKA those who create an angry mob). Think about it: she left the Bronx after Hillary defeated Bernie – drawn to angry mobs in Flint and Standing Rock. She personifies political immaturity: comfortable speaking out against something (electoral college) but unable to explain how programs workThis is typical of Marxists (Fidel Castro) and their revolutions: passionate about driving out the opponent (Batista) but incompetent at governing (55 years of Cuban poverty and national insignificance).

How is it even possible Ocasio-Cortez wants to replace the electoral college (that strengthens this republic) with a pure democracy. She argues for electing presidents by direct popular vote, an idea James Madison rebutted years ago: “A democracy must be confined to a small spot. A republic may be extended over a large region.” The architects of the constitution envisioned and planned for a continental nation with racial and cultural diversity. I am convinced blue-state/red-state geography is a net positive in a modern United States.

What happens to a nation of 325 million residents if Mormons cannot congregate in Utah…if gay men cannot congregate in northern California…or if Cubans cannot congregate in south Florida? Hard to say, but conventional wisdom suggests birds of a feather flock together to create tolerance clusters. Because this continent is home to 50 states, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez can reside in the Bronx – safely away from red-state goobers, clinging to their guns and Bibles. In turn, duck hunters in Mississippi and church-goers in Indiana can pursue their own happiness in relative peace.

Intelligent Democrats should reject any party member who cannot explain how America will pay for “free” everything. CNN’s Jake Tapper repeatedly challenged Ocasio-Cortez’s to identify the funding for her $40 trillion free-healthcare proposal, but she had no answer. Just this month, she mis-quoted a scholarly article on arcane accounting practices at the Pentagon: her blunderous reading found “massive waste” she wants to redirect to fund free healthcare – except the entire defense budget is less than the “waste” she found. Yikes!

Do you see the danger here? This gonzo socialist not only sees funding that isn’t there. She believes the lower unemployment rate resulted from Americans with two jobs (it did not). She curiously ignores the humanity and vision of the founding fathers, who protected her life, liberty and pursuit of (Latino) happiness. Such ignorance and arrogance portends legislation to solve make-believe problems, as well as continuing misinformation.

Perhaps I am having a Chicken Little lapse of judgement, but I think I am right to insist upon fact-based issues and informed legislators. Of course, Ocasio-Cortez was fairly elected, but that is not the issue here. The issue is that drop-off voters (gentrified youth) elected her in spite of so many reckless ideas (like promising universal entitlements that will bankrupt taxpayers and the nation). Just you wait: the star of Bethlehem will be Kremlin red in her next re-telling of the Nativity.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.