Liberals are pushing us to the eve of destruction!

In spite of a federal judge re-opening Hillary’s email investigation, thousands of deplorable French rioting over Macron’s energy taxes, Ocasio-Cortez’s latest airhead calculation, and Obama’s most recent false claims, the world’s global elite still have but one enemy: Donald Trump. And – – Cohen’s and Manaforte’s prosecutors have ensured (at the very least) House Democrats will open impeachment proceedings against the President.

You should be alarmed because the left has so easily ignored Hillary Clinton’s national-security violation, Phillip Macron’s riot-inciting policy decisions, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s pattern of false claims, and Barack Obama’s self-serving bullish*t.  As Lindsey Graham presciently warned, the leftist elite sure want power and will do anything to get it.

The truth should out regarding any Trump violation of campaign finance laws (Cohen prosecution) or any infiltration of his campaign by Russian-influenced operatives. Until the investigations conclude, it would be folly to proclaim either Trump’s innocence or virtue. However, what is clear is the lowered standard of justice to charge Trump, as outlined by former DOJ attorney Andrew McCarthy (source: Fox News interview).

I have criticized many times the inadequate investigatory standard of the FBI and DOJ in the Clinton email investigation  – – and this has recently been corroborated by Federal Judge Royce Lamberth (DC Circuit), who called Hillary Clinton’s state-department use of a private email server “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.” In light of this opinion, he has ordered a new investigation into Ms. Clinton’s transgression, which is either “negligence born out of incompetence [or] collusion to hoodwink this court.” However, don’t hold your breath waiting for Clinton’s media cronies to cover this story.

Meanwhile, French President Macron has exposed just how disconnected the EU elite are from everyday Europeans. The “president of the rich” has eliminated job protections for working-class French and lowered taxes for the super-rich. His let them drive Teslas vision ignited the largest protests in France since the Vietnam War. 36,000 gilets jaunes (yellow vests) rioted because Macron mandated “unaffordable” energy taxes now to maybe prevent global warming later.

Two years into office, Macron’s approval rating has plummeted to just 23 percent, cutting across the political spectrum. He thought higher utility rates and fuel costs would usher in a nation of green residents, but only created an opposing super-majority (72%). Macron’s blunder is not that he accepts global warming as fact (it is) or wants sustainable energy (he should). Rather, he pushed save-the-world policies before the current needs of his citizens. This is true, but the liberal elite are giving him a pass on behalf of the environment.

Back home, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that darling of American socialism, re-confirmed the radical left’s indifference to facts and reality. Last week, she tweeted, after mis-reading an article by a Michigan State economics professor, that she had found $21 trillion in pentagon waste that could have already paid 66% of her $32 trillion Medicare for All proposal. In fact, the $21 trillion figure was just an illustration of the US defense department’s “opaque budgetary system” and “unsupported accounting adjustments.”

I have read the article, which explains the total pentagon budget during the 17-year study was only $9 trillion, meaning Ocasio-Cortez found $12 trillion in fool’s gold. This is almost as bad as her proclamation Trump’s “low unemployment numbers are the result of Americans working two jobs” (the numbers depict Americans without any job – not the number of unfilled jobs). Tax-and-spend liberals are an economic setback. Falsify-and-spend socialists are an existential threat. 

Down in Houston, Barack Obama revised the history of his do-nothing management of the economy. Speaking to a black-tie gathering, he dissembled the truth: “You wouldn’t know it, but [energy production] went up every year I was president. That whole – suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas – that was me, people.” In a quick rebuttal, Shell Oil CEO John Hofmeister was crystal clear: “[Obama] had nothing to do with it…the government support came from the states.” (source: Fox News).

Obama taking credit for an energy boom is as absurd as Hirohito taking credit for American atomic energy. Obama actually suppressed the oil and gas sector by shutting down the Mexican Gulf for six months, delaying the Keystone pipeline, signing the Paris Accord, pushing the Clean Power Plan, delaying drilling permits, and making federal lands unavailable for energy exploration. Wanna bet liberals will overlook his lies again (just like the promise I could keep my doctor and health plan under Obamacare)?

Democrats are hereby put on notice: if right-wing extremists do gain power, then blame the likes of Clinton, Macron, Ocasio-Cortez and Obama for frightening moderates. Crooked Hillary could blind independent voters to Trump’s payoffs to porn stars. Macron’s elitism could turn Republicans against NATO. Ocasio-Cortez’s naive socialism could create a radical DNC platform for 2020. Obama’s lies about his record could provide political cover for Trump’s bullsh*t whoppers.

Don’t look now, but Hillary Clinton is being re-investigated, Macron’s popularity in France is in a free-fall, Ocasio-Cortez is hogging the Democrats’ microphone, and Obama is reminding the electorate of his bad economy. These four believe they are “rock stars,” but they are clearly undermining the center-left.

The riots have not stopped and, as one protestor told Sky News: “We are not black bloc [black-clad anarchists], we are ordinary people voicing our anger.” If political moderation gives way to widespread discontent and cynicism, blame Clinton, Macron, Ocasio-Cortez and Obama for aiding and abetting the eve of destruction.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.