The Wall Street Journal called out President Biden for deception; running as a centrist who would “restore normalcy” but governing as a leftist who’s transforming these United States into a Brave New World envisioned by Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. We now know “normalcy” to Biden is booting ten center-right Republicans out of the Oval Office rather than accept one “compromise” morsel for his $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill.
Mr. Biden is a career politician installed by a party apparatus (“shadow campaign” reported in Time magazine) to get a less-government loudmouth out of the way. Biden never had the integrity or intellect to lead, and is now too senile and tired to stop a radical re-invention by today’s Democrat Party. Perhaps the 2022 mid-terms will be too late, so get a load of the Brave New World that will be no such thing.
The Brave New Economy will send dirty jobs (manufacturing) and industries (oil refining) to developing nations, and install clean jobs (coding) and clean industries (healthcare) centrally planned by Washington. Such an economy is kinda-sorta working in Red China, but it is NOT free-market capitalism, and central-planning failures in Russia and Venezuela are explained away by Liz Warren as simply lacking MIT economists in charge of the planning.
The Brave New National Security will replace America the land with America the ideal, resulting in a down-sized Department of Homeland Security and super-sized United Nations. Democrats, since Woodrow Wilson, have long trended toward multi-national agencies (NATO) and treaties (Iran nuclear deal). A “new” foreign policy will jet John Kerry to The Hague and keep “Storming” Norman and “Mad Dog” Mattis in “joint” war games with EU allies. This might work…
…but it might allow Red China, which is willing to go it alone, to achieve economic and military hegemony, and then what? Do we talk-talk-talk as their microchips record our every word, cough-cough-cough as they allot vaccines and therapeutics, and cower in neutrality while a Chinese Anschluss rolls through Asia and beyond? It’s hard to trust Biden and Kerry (kids enriched by Ukrainian kleptocrats and Chinese oligarchs), Sanders (partied with Soviets), and Warren (masqueraded as Cherokee).
The Brave New Classroom is already devoid of Enlightenment liberals. Anglo-American history is now the study of white sins, the scientific method is out, and scientific consensus is in, paving the way for reparations and the Green New Deal. As with Lenin, a new intellectual vanguard guards a narrow view on today’s income inequality and tomorrow’s economy, purging the academy of “racists” and “science deniers” who beg to differ.
The Brave New Media is already devoid of open and honest content. America’s newspaper of record, the New York Times, purged the editor after an op-ed from Republican Senator Tom Cotton. The Washington Post falsely reported what President Trump said to Georgia’s Secretary of State; lies presented as evidence in his second impeachment hearing. Big social media, which once provided safe harbor to conservatives, now blocks stolen-election conspiracy theories – after allowing millions of posts about Russian collusion.
Biden’s Brave New World will shift wealth from out-of-favor industries and households, turn the US military into a social experiment, force children into illiberal academies, and frighten citizens away from open protest and honest opinions. And, if you thought Biden would stop the absolutists, guess again. End zone in sight, he happily shares his game plan: “nobody’s going to build another coal-fired plant in America.” Don’t laugh, your livelihood might be next.
Even if your industry is spared, your children will inherit a Broke New America. Today, the national debt is $28 trillion and federal debt is 130% of GDP. By 2031, after black reparations ($12T), annual deficits ($10T), infrastructure plan ($4T), student debt relief ($2.9T), and latest COVID relief ($1.9T), that debt will be $58 trillion – and THAT nation will cave to Xi Jinping like the USSR caved to Ronald Reagan. Don’t even think it cannot happen.
Reagan simplified the Cold War, playing the Star Wars card (SDI) because he knew Gorbachev knew the US could afford it and the USSR could NOT afford it. The tables have turned: an indebted US must beat China and its $1.1 trillion in sovereign wealth, $3.2 trillion in foreign reserves, only $5.6 trillion in national debt, and 8.1% GDP growth rate (source: IMF). If Xi goes “all in” on Taiwan, America won’t have the resources to call his bluff. Sadly, this “normalcy” wasn’t on the 2020 ballot.