Dumb globalists incite anarchy.

My beef with Clinton-Obama Democrats is they are anarcho-globalists; diplomats that love multilateral accords and deny the ensuing chaos. Take the Iran nuclear deal: it pleased Europe and payed for Iran’s military bravado that de-stabilized the Middle East. Now, Joe Biden wants to restore Obama’s foreign policies (akin to re-trying a Krispy Kreme weight-loss program), telling the Times he wants to talk nukes with Iran.

Biden: “the last goddamn thing we need in that part of the world is a buildup of nuclear capability.” Two observations: (1) that’s Trump’s position, and (2) the “tough talk” isn’t fooling anybody. Biden’s bully pulpit compensates for his inner “stuttering child” and forever kissing up to voters. Boy, he sure looked presidential challenging that obese voter to a push-up contest (rather than simply answering the question).

That’s a view into an anarchical mind: respond to a tough question with belligerence that didn’t explain Biden’s position or help him win Iowa (he didn’t). It’s true, just like Obama cozying up to Iran and alienating Israel’s prime minister didn’t prevent a nuclear buildup. Israel is the go-to nation on nuclear; they have nukes and won’t allow an existential threat (Iran) to have them. This is the opinion of enlightened Arabs who buy from my company.

Worldly Arabs speak openly of Iran (not Persia) and Palestine as lost causes. They applaud Trump for freezing them out of Israel peace talks and working with other Arabs. Moderate Muslims know Iran’s Shiite leaders are as gonzo as back-country Christians who handle rattlesnakes to prove their faith. Worldly Arabs know terror is Palestine’s obsession and only export. Every Arab knows Iran and Palestine are opposed to most, if not all, modernity, and Trump figured this out.

It’s ludicrous for Biden to now wax nostalgic of Obama’s “successful” work in the Middle East. Is he too senile to remember the “red line” Syria quickly crossed, ISIS “jayvees” kicking US ass, the Benghazi disaster, an angry Israel, and Iranian friends test-firing rockets emblazoned with Death to America? I get the anti-Trump thing, but Election Day is over and a true leader would see Trump’s Middle East success and remember John Lennon’s all we are saying is give peace a chance.

When will America’s liberal elites stop seeking the approval of Europe’s elites, who created the anarchy of Brexit, French energy-tax riots, and a German-Russian energy deal. The European Union is the very definition of anarchy; as in Greek finances or Spanish unemployment. MAGA is the solution, but Biden will succumb to Cambridge-Harvard position papers and dreams of European peace prizes.

I love England and Europe after two years studying and working there, but I know the English will mooch a rich American to death and WWII left make love-not war appeasers in charge of the continent. The worldly JFK was the last Democrat to see Europe for the sclerotic power it was. But, like the wide-eyed rubes (Lyndon, Jimmy, Bill, and Barack) before him, Joe’ll drink champagne, dance all night, and sign the dotted line.

Mr. Biden will re-sign the Paris Accord and strangle US energy, disrupting employment and GDP. He’ll coddle Iran and Palestine, disrupting a nascent peace movement, and remove China tariffs, killing today’s supply-chain symbiosis and recent Made In America winners. He’ll quickly inflate the number of Hispanic voters, de-stabilizing his party by angering Black Lives Matter. Seeking universal Kumbaya, Biden invites universal Kaos – and the stench of anarchy will be vast.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.