Things that frighten Democrats.

Because Democrats and their media allies sowed fear in voters non-stop since November 2016, Joe Biden is the presumptive president. In the modern era, America’s not witnessed anything like their treatment of President Trump. The press ignored his victories and Democrats awfulized his every comments. Biden scolded some Trump voters: “you ain’t black.” This netted 75 million worst-of-times voters. Hollywood dissed the rest: “I over-estimated the American people” (Kimmel).

The Democrat party has evolved into a European-style coalition of single-issue voters (e.g. global warming), agitated non-stop by claims of Donald Trump being an existential threat. By 2020, with COVID-19 further dividing these United States, the presidential election pitted unafraid (open-up) Republicans against cowering (close-down) Democrats. So much for the home of the brave. The courage it takes to live with COVID hardly matches the courage of George Washington crossing the icy Delaware.

There are five fear groups that make up the Democrat base, and each believes “their party” alone protects them from anachronistic Christians, native-born whites, science deniers, factory workers, and tax-cutting conservatives.

Aggrieved Sexual Identities – The feminist and LGBTQ communities are Utopians, who live in needless fear of Roe v. Wade being overturned or being sent to gender re-orientation camps. They are committed Democrats, despite increased income equality (women) and acceptance (gay couples).

Aggrieved Racial Identities – Black and immigrant communities fear otherness as a barrier to life and liberty. They are committed Democrats, despite growing income and home ownership, because identity politics stokes their fear.

Environmental Monopolists – Post-industrial elites fear global warming, mostly to own a “liberal cause” in a time of peace and prosperity. They are committed Democrats and believe the Green New Deal is the only thing between life as we know it and spontaneous combustion.

Intellectual But Inexperienced Elites – These erudite liberals fear the wisdom of the masses. Their holy grail is a graduate degree and their heaven is a talking gig (on campus or TV) where they belittle the guy that fixes their (gas) furnace. They love the (liberal) institution and hate the (free) individual.

Public employees – There are 16 million public employees (federal, state and local), who fear Republicans will “drain the swamp” one day (ending their defined-benefit pensions). In fairness, this is one group that should have voted for Joe Biden.

The fear of being told “no” by the in-crowd, school prayer, or losing government jobs and entitlements does not make 75,000,000 voters bad. It makes them unbold, gasping when Trump said, “we have to learn to live with COVID” – because learning to live with COVID entails some risk and they want that vaccine NOW!

75,000,000 Americans lack their immigrant ancestor’s self-survival chops and hunger for self-determination. They extol Swedish entitlements and condemn an armed couple defending their home. If the Swedes were bold, they’d drive Porsches – not Volvos. If Biden voters were bold, they’d have voted for less government and the right to self-regulation. But no, they want a return to a kinder president and nanny state.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.