How to stop the lies.

In the greatest irony of the new millennium, the DNC has promoted the election as a “character debate” between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. To be sure, Donald Trump is no Billy Sunday, but he’s running on what he’s done and will do – not what he is. In sharp contrast, Joe Biden looked into the camera at the last debate and told Americans this election is about restoring character in the White House. That was a lie (or a gaffe – he might have meant put “a character” in the White House).

Not since Jimmy Carter, has there been a Democrat president of high moral standing. Bill Clinton preyed on women and Barack Obama prevaricated. If elected, Joe Biden will complete the Terrible Trifecta. Biden not only lies to avoid trouble, he lies to create a prestigious persona that he’s not (his false claims suggest mommy and daddy issues). How so-called liberals ignore this defies belief.

In politics, voters expect candidates to exaggerate, flip-flop from earlier positions, and spin now-unpopular votes and comments. But, Biden has proactively false-claimed a resume and plagiarized speeches to impress voters. In other words, he’s engaged in willful deception. He’s been willing to lie about others for political gain. And, when he’s caught, Biden either lies (again) or viciously attacks the messenger. He’s absolutely Nixonian.

In 1987, Biden was outed for plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock’s speeches. Perhaps he had writer’s block, but why did he present parts of Kinnock’s life as his own (they weren’t)? He was also caught plagiarizing John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey, lying about scholarships and academic awards he didn’t receive, and falsifying his law-school class rank. My point here is that John Kennedy didn’t have to pad his resume and Bobby would not lie about such things.

Civil rights activist Shaun King claims Biden willfully deceived black voters, citing 31 Biden lies. King’s summation: “Joe Biden, on the back of people who actually paid an enormous price for being activists and organizers in the Civil Rights Movement, created a completely false narrative of his work and contributions.” Completely false are Biden claims of civil-rights training in black churches and participation in boycotts, marches and sit-ins (source: Washington Times).

The lowest moment for serial liars is when they smear others for personal gain, which Biden began doing in 1972. After his wife and daughter died in a car wreck, he routinely told audiences a drunk driver, Curtis Dunn, killed his family. Not true, according to the presiding judge, Jerome Herlihy: “alcohol being involved [as cause of accident] is incorrect.” In fact, Biden’s wife drove into the path of Dunn, who swerved, tried to rescue the Bidens and called the police (source: Delaware police records).

Dunn’s daughter, armed with the truth, wrote Biden in 2008 after NBC’s Katie Couric reported Biden’s version. Biden’s non-apology note: “All I can say is I am sorry for all of us and please know that neither I or my sons feel any animosity whatsoever.” And there you have it; not the contrite words of a high-character statesman, but the clever dodge of a self-serving politician. Mind you, all of this has been exposed by Biden’s Democrat opponents.

Biden is the odds-on favorite to become president, and that doesn’t portend well for the nation, especially with news and social media conglomerates all-in on a Democrat restoration. At least with Trump, CNN provided robust scrutiny. At least with the Clintons, CNN frowned upon pay-to-play. At best with Biden, CNN broadcasts are must-see TV only in airports. The point here is a partisan press knows Biden lies and just doesn’t care. Bottom line: truth and justice dies with a Biden victory.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.