Has America any Pioneer DNA left?

Paul Simon explained the politico-economics of COVID: “the problem is all inside your head.” Republicans are of a practical mind to cope and continue. Democrats are of a partisan mind to cower and complain, because they believe the central state knows best. This dogma was articulated in Obama’s 2012 “you did not build that” speech, which is why Californians were forced to “shelter in place” and Joe Biden blames the incumbent for “doing everything wrong.”

Trump rightly claims COVID has made 2020 the most important election in modern history. It’s a test of American Spirit that dates back to the days of frontier forts. Back then, everyone had the same information (i.e. Indian raids happen), but settlers with pioneer spirit continued farming their land until Indian raids forced them into the forts. Other, more fearful, settlers took up trade in (or farmed in sight of) the forts.

As a practical matter, back then and today, everyone cannot reside in the fort or shelter in place, which is why Trump is right to call out shut-down Democrats. The inconvenient COVID truth is that some “pioneers” must venture out to essential jobs to cloth, feed and heal America. Further, if Speaker Pelosi truly believed ”open up” was a grave risk, what’s with the wash and blow (without a mask)? Because she wants the fear inside voters’ heads – not hers.

Like Trump, Pelosi knows a COVID recovery is underway, as evidenced by her slow-walk of the stimulus bill. The IMF reported higher than expected US GDP in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, and the Federal Reserve reported new highs in household wealth ($119 trillion) and personal savings rates (14.1%). Fox Business just reported current household savings are $2 trillion higher than household debt. Average Americans are coping, in defiance of “you didn’t build that” Democrats.

Like Trump, Biden knows Bush chose regime-change wars that doubled the national debt to $10 trillion, Obama enacted excessive entitlement programs that doubled the national debt to $19.6 trillion, and today’s $26.4 trillion national debt was no Trump choice. True, but Biden is now a deficit hawk with a plan for higher corporate and personal income taxes. His campaign site claims federal revenues will increase $4 trillion $2.4 trillion (keeps changing) over ten years. Not true.

Biden was already out of ideas in 2009, when he convinced Obama to send out stimulus checks that trickled into the pockets of Asian HDTV makers. US businesses are now keeping America afloat (see PPP loans), so it’s insane to sink that boat. The debt rose under Obama, and Biden’s Build Back Better plan will flood money into green new deals, public-employee pensions and tuition-free college. You might get a Tesla, but you won’t get lower deficits.

The pivotal choice on Election Day is self regulation or government regulation. Do Americans now know enough about COVID-19 to cope and continue responsibly at home, school and work? Are government mandates needed in every home, school and company? Is it a “disaster” if a president dies trying? Is it “presidential” to lead from a safe space? If voters still have pioneer DNA, they know America, like the turtle, only moves forward by sticking its neck out.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.