Quack Attack!

Way back in 1887, Lord Acton made his timeless observation. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In my college days, this quote was a throwaway line. Then, Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer proved Lord Acton prescient; using a pandemic to assume dictatorial control over Michigan. On Friday, Michigan’s Supreme Court dope-slapped Whitmer on behalf of we the people.

When COVID-19 hit Michigan in the spring, Whitmer used the state’s Emergency Management Act to declare a disaster. Many felt, from day one, she mis-managed the state; mandating masks and isolation, banning travel and gatherings, and closing churches, libraries and schools. The act set a 28-day limitation and required an extension by the legislature. But, when Whitmer’s request was denied, she ignored legal constraints and declared a new emergency.

Across America, conservatives criticized this usurpation and supported the open-up protestors. But, Democrats blamed President Trump for deplorable disobedience, and legacy media depicted the protestors as white supremacists. Oh, how “liberals” have changed; turning a blind eye to a despotic power grab and condemning peaceful protests – and why? Because “science” said shut down the economy; this time without a “consensus of opinion.”

Ms. Whitmer also claimed the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act to enforce measures that defied the act’s definition of “reasonable” control over “affected” areas. After the high court’s ruling, Whitmer proclaimed she had “21 days until the ruling went into effect.” Then, on Saturday, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel drove in the final nail: “[we] will no longer enforce the governor’s orders through criminal prosecution.”

The high court ruling included Montesquieu’s warning. “When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, there can be no liberty.” Most educated Americans believe this to be true. So how is it that a governor with a law degree ignored the constitutional construct of separated powers and the act’s clear language? Because she is not of the people or for the people. Sadly, ruling elites like Whitmer are a growing problem in America.

Whitmer’s biography is sadly lacking in private-sector employment. Entering elected office right from law school, she has no real-world experience to inform her views and policies. In short, she doesn’t know what barbers, cafe owners, and dentists are enduring. She personifies the root problem in government; an educated but inexperienced (EBI) ruling elite whose views are not of the people. Hence, it’s no surprise the ruling elite’s actions are not for the people.

EBI leaders populate both political parties. George Bush missed the sh*t in Vietnam that might have prevented his regime-change wars. True, but most EBI elites flock to America’s liberal party. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) entered politics from law school and, absent common sense, sent 4,500 COVID infected into nursing homes. 6,000 died. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) touts his experience (with Gordon Getty’s money) and just told poor Californians their gas-powered cars are banned in 2035.

Joe Biden is the odds-on favorite to be America’s next president, and EBI elites are polishing their Brookings, DNC and Greenpeace resumes. At the very least, the US will enter a pay-back period for conservative groups (can you say “audit”) and Republicans. If they can make a sitting president’s life hell, just imagine what they’ll do to to Sean Hannity? Poor Sean, he never went to college.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.