Time for Black Conservatives!

Back in 2011, Republican governors tried to reform the collective bargaining power of public employee unions that protect bad cops, preserve bad schools and bankrupt states. Democrats blocked the GOP because of union funds and votes that buy the cozy arrangement (see Minneapolis) that’s not making black lives better. Black intellectuals Shelby Steele and Clarence Thomas saw this duplicity years ago and launched the black conservative movement

This Union-Democrat marriage is why BLEXIT (Black Exit) rejects single-party loyalty. Democrats have long told black voters your lives matter most – before actually looking after the lives of public employee unions and undocumented workers. Kanye West and Candace Owens are outspoken about this; advocating two-party competition for the black vote. West and Owens focus on Democrat results – not messaging – and see little in return for black votes.

Pro-Democrat police unions protect bad cops. There are racists in the US and they shouldn’t be policemen. Politicians can debate the prevalence, but the systemic problem is police union influence. Democrat mayors, by virtue of appointments, preserve bad cops like Derek Chauvin; talking tough in public, but compromising with unions in private. Over 8 years, the Minneapolis review board got 2,600 complaints, but disciplined only 12 policemen, with nothing worse than a 40-hour suspension (source: Wall Street Journal).

Police union influence is an actionable problem: what good are laws and regulations without punishment? Democrats have had over 50 years to improve policing and black lives; so, Mitch McConnell tapped a black Republican, Tim Scott (R-SC), to develop a police-reform plan. Democrats smear the appointment as tokenism, but Scott’s been stopped for “driving black” seven times. Why not let a black Republican have a crack at the problem? He can’t do any worse than white Democrats.

Pro-Democrat teacher unions protect bad public schools. Black kids need educational opportunities, but pro-Democrat teacher unions oppose two immediate solutions: (1) school vouchers that help black families afford private schools, and (2) charter schools that compete for students. 3,700,000 teachers are members of either the NEA or AFT unions that H-A-T-E school choice (and give 95% of their money and most of their votes to Democrats).

BLEXIT knows minority tax-districts fund minority school-districts, keeping black kids trapped in separate but crummy schools. They know the NEA and AFT push Democrats to block school vouchers and charter schools, and influence school boards to protect rotten teachers. The union fix is (always) higher salaries for teachers, regardless of results. The Republican fix is free-market competition: make bad schools compete for kids. Freedom and competition are American virtues – except with the NEA and AFT.

Public employee pensions are bankrupting blue states and cities. The black communities in blue states and cities are under-served, and public employee unions aren’t helping. 96% of private-sector employees have 401K (defined contribution) retirement plans, while 83% of public employees get defined-benefit pensions. These public pensions have created $3 trillion (and growing) in state and local debt (source: Boston College); thereby creating two financial problems that hurt black communities.

First, retired public employees live longer, meaning the defined benefit is paid out longer. This forces Blue States to divert tax funds away from active public servants (cops and teachers). Second, Blue States raise taxes to fund public pensions. This cost – and bad public schools – drives away employers (who have kids too). This is an under-reported reason for white flight: employers move jobs to the suburb and skilled white employees follow, leaving un-skilled blacks behind (in un-livable conditions).

Unions and co-dependent Democrats are THE problem. As a political matter, Democrats are hooked on public-union money and votes. Hence, it is time for a Republican Contract With Black America: (1) gainful jobs near black neighborhoods, (2) police precincts that represent, serve and protect black communities, and (3) ease of school choice for black parents. It’s time for conservatives to stop whining and actually help black voters. It’s clear Democrats can’t.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.